Eesti InfraBIM 2020 seminarile oleme kutsunud rääkima Soome, Norra ja Eesti infravaldkonna tegijad – maanteeameti esindajad, projekteerijad ja masinjuhtimise spetsialistid.
Vaatame ja kuulame kuidas meil Eestis on arengud infraBIM-i valdkonnas ning kogume ideid soomlaste ja norrakate ettekannetest kuidas edasi liikuda.
We have invited several infrastructure specialists to talk at the 2020 Estonian InfraBIM Seminar. You’ll hear the know-how of infra- construction from designers, and machine control specialists from Finland, Norway and Estonia, including representatives from Estonian Road Administration.
We’ll hear about the latest developments in the Estonian infra sector and hopefully will get some ideas from our neighbouring countries’ speakers on how to move on with implementing InfraBIM solutions.
Koht/place: Ülemiste hotel, konverentsiruum nr 2, Lennujaama tee 2, Tallinn
Aeg/time: Kolmapäev 15.04.2020
Maksumus/Cost: 75€+km (until 01.04.2020), 100€+km
Registreeri ennast/Registration siin/here!
Esitaja/Presentator | Asutus/Company | Teema/Topic | |
9:30 | Kogunemine/ hommiku kohv | ||
10:00 | Ingmar Aija | InfraBIM OÜ | Welcome |
10:10 | Erko Puusaag | Maanteeamet | InfraBIM hetkeseis Eestis |
10:40 | Indrek Oden | Roadplan OÜ | Infra nakatamine BIM-ga |
11:10 | KOHVIPAUS | ||
11:40 | Tarmo Savolainen | Väyla | Väyla’s InfraBIM requirements, implementation and experiences |
12:10 | Taavi Unga / Asko Kerdi | THEK Tehnika OÜ | Masinehituse kasumilikkusest taristuehituses |
12:40 | LUNCH | ||
13:40 | Petteri Palviainen & Kalle Mulari | Novatron OY | InfraBIM implementation on worksite and data management in machine control |
14:10 | Oystein Ulvestad | Sweco Norway | Planning and building concrete structures without using drawings – A bridge example |
14:40 | Tero Maijala | Infrakit | Case Sienikuja, Street Renovation-project: City of Oulu using OpenBIM Platform in Infra Design and Construction Phase |
15:00 | Arutlusring /Discussion | FIN-EST-NOR participants | Data-flow in infra construction. Info liigutamine taristuehituses. /Inglise keeles/ |
Registreeri ennast /Register yourself siin/here!
InfraBIM OÜ, +372 5663 1133